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+44 (0) 208 208 4880

Get where you need to be as safely and securely as possible.

Passengers are requested to follow the following advice and be aware of some new practices when travelling, to help to protect the health and safety of both drivers and passengers. The intent is that these safety steps published by the UK government, will assist in leading all of us back to some form of normality.

UK Transport Guidance for Passengers

*Passengers with a respiratory condition that prevents them from wearing a face covering, children under three and people with disabilities are exempt (if this is the case please include a note at the time you make a booking).

1. Refrain from travelling if you are suffering from any coronavirus symptoms.

2. Select a vehicle according to passenger numbers, published government guidance on social distancing and travel with only the people who are in your “social bubble”.

3. All passengers who are not *exempt are required to wear a face covering prior to entering a vehicle, during the time you are in a vehicle and after you exit a vehicle.

4. Try to avoid paying by cash, rather pre-pay by credit debit card at the time you book instead to avoid un-necessary social contact with the driver.

5. Passengers are advised that drivers have been notified by Transport For London that they must maintain social distance if possible at all times, not assist passengers with luggage, ensure vehicles are well ventilated by having windows open when providing services and sanitised between rides, limit un-necessary conversation with passengers and have also been given the option to refuse to carry passengers who do not wear a face covering.

This guidance is applicable at present and can change due to the nature of the pandemic. We will try to update this page as and when we can to confirm any changes that may affect passengers. Passengers can feel rest assured that we and our partners will do all we can to get you where you need to get to as safely any securely as possible as always but especially so during this unprecedented time.

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